

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Flowers and dogs

I have not felt good all week.  I did get a bit of sewing done.  I finished my pai9nt chip challenge and taken the pictures so I can show you all.  Next Monday is the day for that.  I have been working on my mystery quilt.  Down to one seam to finish the body and then on to the borders.  I had some seam allowance problems so I am going to take my time and do it right. 
I took this picture earlier in the week.  Funny if you have enough weeds they can look pretty!!

I did get lots of work done in the Gardens, all of them.  I have 4 flower gardens and now I have a planted vegetable garden.  I still have some additions, but for the most part they are ready. 

I noticed a couple weeks ago that we have a cute little bird nest in the eve of one of the out buildings.  If you go near it, the birds fly's away.  So today I got out the big camera and the big lens and took these of the bird and then looked around.  What cute dogs I have!!

Until the next stitch!


  1. Your flower gardens look sooo nice! What pretty perennials (flowering plants) do you recommend for shady areas...I want some suggestions!
    Cute doggy pics :)

  2. okay, I WANT your flower beds lol!
